
Hi there!

I’m a WordPress developer, but you probably knew that already.

When I’m not writing code, you can usually find me doing just what I’m doing in this picture: walking in the woods with my standard poodle.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, so when it’s too rainy to hike, I’ll curl up with a good book.  I read a lot of sci-fi, literary fiction, and a wide range of non-fiction.

Solitary activities like hiking and reading are good for an introvert like me, but when I do hang out with friends, it’s usually to play board games.  I especially enjoy cooperative games like Pandemic and Castle Panic.

Before I was a WordPress developer, I went to graduate school to study medieval history.  I still love researching medieval topics, studying images of medieval manuscripts, and watching cheesy medieval movies (I’ve basically memorized Monty Python and the Holy Grail, A Knight’s Tale, and Galavant).

When I need a creative outlet, I turn to gardening, needle felting, and piano.