I have written well over a dozen plugins. Six are in the wordpress.org plugin repository, and three are available for purchase. Several others have been written for clients or personal projects.
Here are my publicly-released plugins:
Employee Scheduler
Employee Scheduler is a complete employee schedule management system that lets you create and manage your employees’ work schedules and expenses. Employees can clock in and out and report expenses and mileage.
Employee Scheduler Pro
Employee Scheduler Pro adds more useful functions to Employee Scheduler: users can create and edit shifts in bulk, view and download payroll reports, and view several other useful reports. Employees can drop shifts and take unassigned shifts.
RSS Image Resize
RSS Image Resize resizes images in RSS feeds. Images that fit on a website are often too big for HTML emails or other formats frequently used by RSS feeds, so this plugin displays a smaller image in RSS feeds. I just rewrote this plugin from the ground up in tidy object-oriented code.
Chamber Dashboard Business Directory
Chamber Dashboard Business Directory is specifically designed for chambers of commerce to display a directory of businesses on their site.
Chamber Dashboard Member Manager
Chamber Dashboard Member Manager works with the Chamber Dashboard Business Directory to keep track of chambers of commerce members. Users can create and display membership levels and perks. A membership form lets members sign up or renew their membership. Users can create and send invoices to members, who can pay via check or PayPal. Memberships are automatically marked as lapsed if invoices are overdue.
Chamber Dashboard CRM
Chamber Dashboard CRM works with the Chamber Dashboard Business Directory to store information about the people associated with businesses in the business directory. Users can track people’s activities and display certain people on the website.
Chamber Dashboard Events Calendar
Chamber Dashboard Events Calendar works with the Chamber Dashboard Business Directory to display a chamber of commerce’s events. It supports recurring events, location maps, multiple calendar views, and iCal. It is a fork of the Events Maker plugin.
Chamber Dashboard Recurring Payments
Chamber Dashboard Recurring Payments works with the Chamber Dashboard Member Manager to add PayPal recurring payments to membership payments. For members who choose not to pay with PayPal, invoices are automatically generated and sent when their membership is due.
Chamber Dashboard Exporter
Chamber Dashboard Exporter works with the Chamber Dashboard suite of plugins to download a CSV of businesses, people, or invoices, based on criteria selected by the user.